Monthly Ottawa Senators Home Game Contest 2024-2025
During the regular season, enter every month for a chance to win a pair of tickets to an Ottawa Senators home game. Seat locations will vary with each game depending on availability. We’ll notify the winner of each pair of tickets as soon as we possibly can, usually a few days before each game. This season’s […]

Spring into Summer Contest 2024!
It’s that time again; our biggest contest of the year. The theme is ‘pretty much’, not as powerless acceptance of mediocrity but as an empowering freedom! Grand Prize A $5,000 travel credit to so you can travel pretty much anywhere you want. 2nd Prize A $3,500 credit at The Brick to freshen up pretty much […]

Ottawa Senators 2023-24 Season Monthly Ticket Draw
During the regular season, enter every month for a chance to win a pair of tickets to an Ottawa Senators home game. Seat locations will vary with each game depending on availability. We’ll notify the winner of each pair of tickets as soon as we possibly can, usually a few days before each game. This season’s […]

New Partner: Mednow
We’ve partnered with an innovative Canadian company to bring you something that helps both today you and future you. MedNow is a fully-licensed online pharmacy with truly exceptional pricing, (we checked), service and a network of pharmacies that can usually get your medications to you the same day. They offer a secure, simple to use […]